Privacy Policy
In this privacy policy, we detail our commitments and practices related to the protection of your personal data. Before continuing to browse this landing page, we ask that you carefully read the terms and conditions below.
All content on this landing page is the property of Star Genomics, Lda, hereinafter referred to as Star Genomics, headquartered at Avenida da Liberdade, Nº 78 – 1st Floor 3530-113 Mangualde, and with NIF 516232738.
By accessing and browsing this landing page, the user accepts the terms and conditions described herein.
If you do not accept or agree with the terms and conditions described herein, or if you are in a country where the use/viewing of the content of this landing page is prohibited for any reason, you should not access it, and if you do, you should immediately leave it.
You are only authorized to use the contents of the landing page for strictly personal purposes. It is expressly prohibited to publish, reproduce, disseminate, distribute for public communication or commercialization purposes through dissemination on another landing page or other means of communication. Thus, Star Genomics reserves the right to make changes to these contents, with no obligation to provide prior notice.
The content of this landing page is for informational purposes only and for commercial purposes to support the user’s decision-making.
Star Genomics guarantees the privacy and security of all and any personal data of the customer. Personal information may be requested, such as your name, address, date of birth, email address, NIF, etc.
The aforementioned information may be requested when you register or fill out the contact form and/or when you receive or send emails for services that require registration or subscription.
The use of cookies is controlled by the user through the browser. Cookies will be used to improve the user’s experience while navigating the page and, if accepted, for online advertising purposes. All users who browse our landing page automatically accept the use of cookies.
By accessing and using this landing page, the user acknowledges that they have read and understood these terms and will comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Star Genomics reserves the right to take legal action against authors of unauthorized use of the content of this landing page. By using this landing page, the user expressly accepts the above-described terms of use.
Star Genomics reserves the right to change its privacy policy in the future. If the user does not agree with these terms, please do not use this landing page.
If you have any questions, please contact Star Genomics by email at
Information Collected
This landing page uses cookies that allow us to identify your computer or device, including your browser, operating system, and IP address, and to track your usage of the landing page. We use this information to determine the number of users, understand how users use the landing page, and to identify the path taken within it, aiming for continuous improvement so that we can provide you with an optimized experience.
For more information about the cookies and other technologies we use, please consult our cookie policy, which is also available.
Occasionally, changes may be made to the contents of this landing page, which may include the services offered.
Use of Visitor Information
All personal information we obtain will be recorded, used, and protected in accordance with current community legislation on data protection and with this privacy policy.
The information collected is intended for sending information/dissemination via email or SMS about our services.
Sending the information only occurs when the data subject has expressly opted to receive emails and/or SMS from Star Genomics. If you no longer wish to receive emails or SMS, please contact us by email or letter to our address.
Privacy of Minors (Children and Adolescents)
Star Genomics is committed to protecting children’s privacy and does not intend to collect personal data from minors under the age of 13 (the age legally defined in national law under the GDPR). If the user is a child under 13 years old and attempts to submit their registration, it will be rejected, and the child will be informed that we do not accept registrations from children under 13 years old. We encourage parents and guardians of minors under 13 years old to regularly monitor and supervise the use of email and other online activities of children.
Data Subject’s Right to Access Their Personal Information
The data subject has the right to receive a copy of their personal information in our possession.
The company reserves the right to charge a small fee (to be defined) for administrative and computer costs for any request made.
Data Subject’s Right to Erase Personal Data
If you are a user of our landing page through the user registration process, your data will be stored in a specific user control database.
However, the data subject may request its deletion at any time by submitting a written request to our official address listed on the landing page.
Star Genomics, August de 2024